Study Location & CRO Selection
Australia is a very attractive destination for early phase clinical trials. Conducting studies in Australia is cost effective (due in part by the Australian Governments R&D tax return), there a large number of quality early phase units, integrated CRO service providers and fast recruitment rates.
However, International companies looking to Australia to conduct early phase studies face long travel times, multiple time zones with Australia and dispersed city locations. The appropriate due diligence required to select the best CRO and phase I unit for your study can be cumbersome, costly and time consuming.
Being located in Australia, Armstong Clincial has strong familiarity with the CRO’s and phase 1 units operating in this space. We are in a unique position to provide rapid, objective and cost effective CRO and phase 1 unit selection recommendations to international clients. The people at Armstrong Clinical have themselves contracted CRO’s for study implementation in more than 30 countries across all phases of development. We understand the importance of quality, cost, time and experience in selecting the right CRO. We can assist you in your outsourcing selection to find the right CRO and phase 1 unit best suited to your study needs.